At Dutch Design Week 2021 (DDW), 1m2 Collective had its debut exhibition. Whilst DDW chose inclusivity as one of their themes for the festival’s applicants, we had the question; how inclusive is the design festival itself? With the costs of presenting your work being out of reach for many upcoming designers, our goal was to explore how we could make this process more inclusive and visualise the true costs of participating.
At the Van Abbe Museum, 1m2 Collective presented the works of 18 designers in 1m2 ground space. Through an open call and independent jury process, participants were selected in an inclusive way. The individual pieces made an impact through their own story and as a statement as a collective.
The total cost of the exhibition's research, production and design was documented, published, and presented to visitors. This opened the conversation and encouraged a transparent conversation about the true investments designers make to be present at such design events.
Berry Dijkstra
Karime Salame Sainz (Diversity Coordinator | AMFI)
Katja Lucas (Senior manager Design Works | Dutch Design Foundation)
Jonah Link (Data analist & adviseur New Economy | Drawdown Europe)
Brandy Sanmoeradi (Archivaris/ Informatiespecialist | Gerrit Rietveld Academie)
Shadman Shahid (Head MA Photography & Society | KABK Den Haag)

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